My Little Dirt Digger

My Little Dirt Digger

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I'm going to buy petunias for my front flower beds tomorrow morning. Although I'm trying to migrate towards more water-wise and native Texas plants, you can't beat $.78 per 4" pot! Plus, the previous owners planted them last year and they did great in our full Wes sun through August as long as they were watered well.

Goodbye to my overgrown purple cabbage and pooped pansies from the fall. They did well considering we didn't cover them when we had 8 inches of ice and snow. The bushy plant behind the cabbage are snapdragons that look like they should bloom again this spring.

Here is the info for tomorrow's one-day-only sale:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Your favorite blog reader back again... I may see you at Calloway's! Thanks for the tip. I need something for our front yard.
